Hlavní obsah

Nový červ zaviruje počítač po kliknutí na odkaz

Prostřednictvím elektronické pošty se nebezpečnou rychlostí začala šířit nová varianta viru MyDoom. Pravděpodobnost nakažení je mnohem vyšší než dříve, neboť nový červ MyDoom AG a AH se chová jinak než jeho starší varianty.

Foto: Klára Blažková

Elektronickou poštou totiž přijde obyčejný e-mail, který neobsahuje žádnou přílohu a sám o sobě je úplně neškodný. Díky tomu jej nezachytí antivirové programy. K nakažení počítače červem přitom dojde až po kliknutí na odkaz uvedený v těle zprávy.

Virus využívá nově zveřejněné bezpečnostní chyby v Internet Exploreru a pokud tedy otevřete odkaz v tomto prohlížeči, dojde k přetečení zásobníku a virus se vzhledem k chybě spustí a nainstaluje na počítač.

Virus napadá operační systémy Windows, uživatelé mající nainstalován druhý Service Pack pro Windows XP však mohou být v klidu, neboť zde virus již neprojde.

Jak virus poznat?

Virus lze poznat podle předmětu zprávy, ve které může být "hi!, hey!, Confirmation" a nebo může být předmět také prázdný. V těle zprávy je pak jeden z následujících textů včetně nebezpečného odkazu, po jehož otevření v IE se virus aktivuje:

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received. - Thank you for using PayPal.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received. - Thank you for using PayPal.


- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos!

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos!

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos! - Hi! I am looking for new friends.

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos! - Hi! I am looking for new friends.

- My name is Jane, I am from Miami, FL. See my homepage with my weblog and last webcam photos! See you!


Související témata:

Související články

Nová varianta viru Mydoom útočí

Elektronickou poštou se začala šířit nová verze počítačového viru Mydoom.S, která se vydává za zprávu s žertovnými fotografiemi v příloze. Po svém spuštění...

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