Hlavní obsah

Nový červ zaviruje počítač po kliknutí na odkaz

Tlačítkem Sledovat můžete odebírat oblíbené autory a témata. Články najdete v sekci Moje sledované a také vám pošleme upozornění do emailu.

Prostřednictvím elektronické pošty se nebezpečnou rychlostí začala šířit nová varianta viru MyDoom. Pravděpodobnost nakažení je mnohem vyšší než dříve, neboť nový červ MyDoom AG a AH se chová jinak než jeho starší varianty.

Foto: Klára Blažková

Elektronickou poštou totiž přijde obyčejný e-mail, který neobsahuje žádnou přílohu a sám o sobě je úplně neškodný. Díky tomu jej nezachytí antivirové programy. K nakažení počítače červem přitom dojde až po kliknutí na odkaz uvedený v těle zprávy.

Virus využívá nově zveřejněné bezpečnostní chyby v Internet Exploreru a pokud tedy otevřete odkaz v tomto prohlížeči, dojde k přetečení zásobníku a virus se vzhledem k chybě spustí a nainstaluje na počítač.

Virus napadá operační systémy Windows, uživatelé mající nainstalován druhý Service Pack pro Windows XP však mohou být v klidu, neboť zde virus již neprojde.

Jak virus poznat?

Virus lze poznat podle předmětu zprávy, ve které může být "hi!, hey!, Confirmation" a nebo může být předmět také prázdný. V těle zprávy je pak jeden z následujících textů včetně nebezpečného odkazu, po jehož otevření v IE se virus aktivuje:

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received. - Thank you for using PayPal.

- Congratulations! PayPal has successfully charged $175 to your credit card. Your order tracking number is A866DEC0, and your item will be shipped within three business days. - To see details please click this link - DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This email is being sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received. - Thank you for using PayPal.


- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos!

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos!

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos! - Hi! I am looking for new friends.

- Hi! I am looking for new friends. I am from Miami, FL. You can see my homepage with my last webcam photos! - Hi! I am looking for new friends.

- My name is Jane, I am from Miami, FL. See my homepage with my weblog and last webcam photos! See you!


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