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Nová CD - Rafťáci, Gilmour, Mashy Muxx

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Z hudebních novinek tohoto týdne rozhodně nepřehlédněte sólovou desku exčlena Pink Floyd Davida Gilmoura On An Island, nebo soundtrack k filmu Rafťáci, kde exceluje Dan Bárta. Dále vychází hardcoroví Cocotte Minute s Proti sobě, brněnská crossoverová kapela Mashy Muxx s deskou Hoaxx, nebo van Morrison s country laděnou deskou Pay The Devil.


David Gilmour: On An Island

Rodák David Gilmour rodák z Cambridge, zpěvák a kytarista legendárních Pink Floyd vydává první sólovku od The Division Bell z roku 1994. Na desce spolupracoval se spoustou spřízněných hudebníků včetně bývalého kolegy a klávesisty Richarda Wrighta, dále se zpěváky Davidem Crosbym a Grahamem Nashem. Desku spoluprodukoval Phil Manzanera z Roxy Music. S texty Gilmourovi pomáhala jeho manželka Polly Samson.

Monitor EMI

OST: Rafťáci

Očekávaná teenagerská komedie Rafťáci režiséra Karla Janáka s Jirkou Mádlem a Vojtou Kotkem v hlavních rolích si klade ambice překonat jejich minulý společný počin Snowborďáky. Práci na soundtracku svěřili ověřenému týmu lidí, tedy Danu Bártovi, Miroslavu Chyškovi, Matthewovi Ruppertovi, Otovi Klempířovi, Jamesi Harriesovi, Magdaléně Šalamounové, Smarterovi, Matoušovi Kubáčkovi, Oldovi Ryparovi a dalším. Jako první singl devatenácti trackového alba byla vybrána baladická hitovka Dana Bárty We All. Film má premiéru tento čtvrtek, tedy 9. března.

Sony BMG

Cocotte Minute: Proti sobě

Cocote Minute přešla od svého debutu Czeko, který se nesl v rap-rockovém crossoveru, k čistému tvrdému hard coru. K této změně je dovedlo koncertní turné s Danielem Landou, jemuž dělali předkapelu ke koncertům Bouře. Důležitou součástí jejich tvorby jsou i jejich texty, v nichž se věnují současným ožehavým problémům. Novou desku kapela představí během turné Rock Cirkus, které pojede od března do května.

Monitor EMI

Mashy Muxx: Hoaxx

Brněnská crossoverová kapela Mashy Muxx vydala svůj debut Sound - The Prompt Communicator v roce 2001, od té doby jen koncertovali. V jejich hudbě se mísí tvrdší rify s funkovou rytmikou a kytarami, živé i programované bicí a doteky elektroniky, acidu, dubu, alternativního popu i rapu. Mezi jedenácti songy najdete i společný track se slovenskou hip hopovou sestavou Flaps.

Indies Records

Van Morrison: Pay The Devil

Belfastský zpěvák, saxofonista, hráč na klávesové nástroje a foukací harmoniku Van Morrison vydává desky již od roku 1964. Ač původně vycházel z keltské hudby a později z rhytm´n´blues a soulu, nese se jeho novinka Pay The Devil v rytmu country. Na desku zařadil jak své vlastní skladby, tak i jeho oblíbené country hity.

Universal Music

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Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)Sugababes: Taller In More Wals (Universal Music)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)Sugababes: Taller In More Wals (Universal Music)Hypnotix: Where the Spirit Lives  (Popron)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)Sugababes: Taller In More Wals (Universal Music)Hypnotix: Where the Spirit Lives  (Popron)Per Gessle: Son Of The Plumber (Monitor EMI)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)Sugababes: Taller In More Wals (Universal Music)Hypnotix: Where the Spirit Lives  (Popron)Per Gessle: Son Of The Plumber (Monitor EMI)Anoushka Shankar: Rise (Monitor EMI)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)Sugababes: Taller In More Wals (Universal Music)Hypnotix: Where the Spirit Lives  (Popron)Per Gessle: Son Of The Plumber (Monitor EMI)Anoushka Shankar: Rise (Monitor EMI)Gladiator: Město (Sony BMG)

Johnson Jack Friends: Sing-a-Longs ....(Universal Music)Marley Daman: Welcome To Jamrock (Universal Music)Train: For Me, It's You  (Sony BMG)Sly The Family Stone: Different Strokes For Different Folks (Sony BMG) Cyndi Lauper: The Body Acoustic  (Sony BMG)Ginuwine: Back II Da Basics  (Sony BMG)Scott Stapp: The Great Divide  (Sony BMG)Chris Brown: Chris Brown  (Sony BMG)Living Things: Ahead Of The Lions  (Sony BMG)Rhymefest: Blue Collar  (Sony BMG)Cesaria Evora: Rogamar  (Sony BMG)Bruce Springsteen: Hammersmith Odeon, London '75  (Sony BMG)Louis Armstrong: The Best Of  (Sony BMG)Glenn Miller: The Greatest Hits Of  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Inspirational  (Sony BMG)Elvis Presley: Elvis Rock  (Sony BMG)The Burda: The Byrds: There Is A Season  (Sony BMG)OST: Rocky IV  (Sony BMG)OST: Ghostbusters  (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: All Shook Up (Sony BMG)Cheap Trick: Dream Police (Sony BMG)Peter Nagy: Duety (Supraphon)Sugababes: Taller In More Wals (Universal Music)Hypnotix: Where the Spirit Lives  (Popron)Per Gessle: Son Of The Plumber (Monitor EMI)Anoushka Shankar: Rise (Monitor EMI)Gladiator: Město (Sony BMG)Massive Attack: Collected (Monitor EMI)


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